Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dance and Seeds

Today was a good day. It was a healing day. It was a physically stretching day. For the first time since Christmas, I chose dance. I have been so afraid to dance that it was getting to the point of affecting me. Holding onto the barre today, I was reminded of a scene from one of my favorite dance movies, Center Stage. In the movie, towards the end, the ballet teacher Juliette peeks in on Jodie practicing. She is working extra hard and starting to get frustrated. She walks in and says "It's here...(points to the barre). No matter what happened....if you come back here...you'll be home." I came home today...back to the barre. 
That barre resides in a wonderful family's in home studio. For the last few weeks, Mr. Trew has been diligently working in the studio and making it into an amazing space. It is truly a wonderful space that serves two beautiful ladies and their gifts of dance as well as my family.  It has been a huge blessing in my life this past year. Thank you Trew Family!
Today was such a beautiful time. My family and I love listening to the Seeds Family Worship cds . So today I could not think of a better cd than those for dance today. I specifically picked out The Power of Encouragement volume.  On the cd, one of the songs is titled "Wonderfully Made." It has been touching the depths of my heart recently.  It has such a beautiful flow and is based on the Scripture of Psalm 139:14.  It was healing to dance to that song, but also tough as well. I am not the same person as the last time I danced. And there is a physical price to pay when you don't dance every day or even every week. I definitely have not stretched in awhile and so hopefully this will be a reminder to stretch again. :)
One of the most beautiful things about today was watching my three year old pull on her leotard, tights, shoes, and dance. Every week, I have the privilege to teach my daughter a skill that I have been doing since I was three. It is exciting to watch her plie, shuffle, and just move to the music. I am thankful for the opportunity to share my gift with my daughter. I am thankful that each week I can hold the barre, teach my daughter and plant seeds of worship into our hearts.

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