"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6
Monday, March 12, 2012
My Youngest...
Sometimes I wish I could capture moments in a time capsule. I would freeze frame time and just hold their little hands forever. It would be better than a photograph because it would be real. I thought of it this weekend because I am realizing how quickly children grow up. As I watch my youngest who recently turned 20 months, she already seems so grown up. It makes me realize that the 18 years or so with our children is very short. I want to reflect upon these precious little moments with her, my Mommy's girl. This weekend, she began taking my hand in such a precious way and leading me to new places that grabbed her attention. She came into the bathroom and sat with me, handing me toilet paper. She looked at me with her precious blue eyes and made my heart sing. She will tug at her clothes so she can dress up just like big sister and brother. In fact, she wants to do everything big brother and sister do. Each time I sit in "my bible study chair" she brings me my writing utensils along with my Bible and workbook.Every time the music comes on, she is dancing along with it. She climbs out of her bed at night, opens the door, and peers at her Daddy and I on the couch begging to just have a couple more minutes with us. She climbs up into her chair asking for food. On Sunday with daylight savings time, we slept later and were in a rush for church so the cereal was not put away after breakfast. When we arrived home, Rachel climbed up into a chair and began eating the cereal from the bag. When I came in to check on her, all I got was the biggest smile from her. She was so proud of herself! I want to hold onto these moments forever, because I know life will bring about changes. It always does. These moments may be where she takes my hand to show me a new dress or to talk with me about a boy or perhaps a joy about her own child. But for right now, life is about these moments. The simple, sweet, and innocent moments that are wrapped up around the life of a 20 month old girl who is loved by her family, friends, and Heavenly Father.
Rachel, I am so thankful to be your Mommy and to have the chance to watch you grow and mature. Thank you baby girl for these memories! I Love You!
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