Thursday, January 5, 2012

Where do names come from?

Why do you name something? What is in a name anyways? Each of my children have a name that comes from the Bible. The funny thing is they have been reading the stories about the biblical characters they were named after. For me, I hope that people see the meaning of my name (follower of Christ) as a synonym, for my life. 
Another reason I had not started a blog was just coming up with a creative name. Then one night (back in September 2011) I thought of the name Following Christ, Training Children. He had brought to my attention the verse Proverbs 22:6. "Train a child in the way He should go and when he is old he will not turn from it." What does that mean? What did it mean to me? I began praying and seeking wisdom from Scripture and books as to how that verse and my life crossed paths other than being a mom. I began to see my life and essentially my job as a mom as more than just a day to day case of changing diapers, nursing, homeschooling, toilet training, disciplining, but one of discipling, raising, and caring for our children-our gifts from the Lord. That is not always an easy task especially when you are caring for one very active boy and two young girls, while still trying to be a wife and best friend to another. 
Life is not easy and being a Christian does not make it easier either. However, the one thing I have learned is that my best friend (God) has the answers. He may not tell me in that moment. He may never tell me, but He has my best interest in heart. He knew that I was going to be the best mommy to these three (right now) precious children. That is a huge responsibility that I do not take lightly. So Lord as I begin this blog, more importantly I dedicate my children and husband to you. I ask that you protect them, but also grow them in wisdom and stature. May they seek you all the days of their life and dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Here they are...
First we have Andrew or Daddy as three precious little ones call him. He enjoys Economics-yes I know not many do but my best friend does. He does karate, loves going to the beach, and being a Dad. 
On Dad's lap we have Rachel Bear or Rachie as she has just begun being called around here. :) She is the youngest of our family right now. She is a little girl who loves to twirl around. She always has the most diverse facial expressions, which makes photography extra fun. She has two favorite blankets and one favorite doll that go everywhere with her. 
Next is myself Kristen aka Mommy. I love Jesus and dance and bringing the two together is pure delight for me. When I was a little girl I would dance around the room and pretend to be a teacher. Now I get to teach my children everyday. I truly enjoy this experience and have been thankful for the opportunity to homeschool. 
On my lap is Mary or MareBear. She brings life and excitement to our family, which is ironic since she also brings peace and calmness. She loves dolls and pretending to be their Mommy. She also is learning how to dance and she is always singing a song.
Next to me is the one and only David. His name also means Beloved, which he truly is to us. We almost lost him at the young age of 2 months and his life is a wonderful story in and of itself. I truly am thankful for the miracle of life and have been learning more about how precious it is. He is the protector of those two beautiful girls. He is the boy with a tender heart who prayed for a year 1/2 for a baby sister (& got two) :) He he. He is also a boy with an adventurous spirit. He is very athletic, loves to draw, and enjoys building legos especially Star Wars. 

I think that is a good introduction to our family and blog. Join us on our journey.

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